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Top Ten: What a Chaplain Can Do for You

Rick Ezell

Think of a corporate chaplain like an old pick-up truck: You don't always need the chaplain, but when you do, you’re glad they're available. Here’s what a chaplain can do for you (and your employees).

  1. Pray for you.

A chaplain will pray for each employee. If employees share specific concerns, the chaplain will pray specifically about them.

  1. Encourage you.

We all face challenges at work, home, or school and we need to hear an encouraging word. The chaplain will be that voice.

  1. Walk with you.

When tough times come we need someone who will share the load. A chaplain will walk alongside you (and your employees) when a crisis occurs, such as a death, addiction, sickness, or family emergency, letting you know you are not alone.

  1. Advise you.

From time to time we need the advice and guidance from an objective person. A chaplain will offer wise counsel and provide clear direction.

  1. Refer you to additional help.

Some issues are beyond the chaplain’s scope of expertise. When employees share an issue or a problem that’s beyond their training, they’ll refer them to someone who can help with that issue.

  1. Listen to you.

Sometimes we need someone to hear us—really hear us. When the chaplain is making the on-site visits spend a few minutes or set up a time to meet at a convenient place. In addition, you can call or email the chaplain. The chaplain will listen to you. When you need to “vent” the chaplain will let you unload.

  1. Speak hope to you.

When life is painful, we all need to know there is still hope. The chaplain will remind you that when life is tough it’s not over.

  1. Befriend you.

Life is hard and difficult and we all need a friend. We need someone we can trust and turn to when we are experiencing tough times. The chaplain will be that person for you. And, the chaplain will celebrate your joys.

  1. Protect you.

When you share your concerns and problems with the chaplain, those discussions are confidential. The chaplain will provide you with a safe outlet to share whatever you are going through.

  1. Point you to God.

The chaplain will not beat you over the head with the Bible but when you need spiritual answers and guidance the chaplain will be there to give clear understanding.

We all face challenges. No one is immune. We are either in the midst of a problem, coming out of one, or about to go into one. We need someone we can lean on. That’s the chaplain’s role. As someone once said of their chaplain: “Before I need you; I need to know you.” The chaplain is present to help and to be a resource.

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