EMPLOYEE CARE OF AMERICA will provide your employees, and their immediate family members, the following services:
Personal, One-on-One Care: Through on-site visits, Chaplains are skilled listeners who will support employees when they are experiencing a wide range of challenges and stresses in their lives.
24/7/365 Accessibility: A Chaplain will be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for crisis intervention and emergency situations.
Worksite Appointments: If employees have something they want to discuss with the Chaplain, they will coordinate a place and time for a follow-up meeting. This may be on a break, at lunch, by email, or by phone. The Chaplain will follow all company guidelines regarding appropriate time and place for appointments.
Chaplain Visits: At the employee’s or management’s invitation, the Chaplain will make hospital, local jail, family home, nursing home, hospice facility, funeral home, and/or other neutral site visits when appropriate. We represent the owner and company leadership in these crisis situations.
Critical Incident Service: The Chaplain will provide incident debriefing and assistance following accidents, incidents of violence, or when disturbing events occur at the company’s work site.
Supervisor Support: As requested, the Chaplain can assist supervisors with communication and conflict resolution and can assist with the transition of employees who are laid off or terminated.
Special Services: As requested, the Chaplain can provide public prayer or inspirational remarks for ceremonies or special events (e.g. a time of crisis or tragedy, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Memorial Day, company anniversary, picnic, etc.).
Referral Services: The Chaplain will recommend professional services (i.e., mental and physical health professionals) for employees and/or immediate family members as needed and will connect employees and their family members with essential community services.
End-of-Life Services: Chaplains are available to serve on a death-notification team. Upon request, they will assist in planning, participate in the service, and/or officiate at funeral or memorial services for employees or immediate family members. Follow-up support through times of grieving can be provided if requested.